Fortnightly Usrah on 4th February 2024

Fortnightly usrah stream

Title: Kindness to Parents in Islam

Assalamu Alaikum, dear brothers and sisters!

Mark your calendars for a profound session on “Kindness to Parents: Importance and Benefits in Islam” featuring the esteemed Prof. Kaamil Omoteso!

📅 Date & Time: Sunday, 4th February 2024 | 3:00 PM
📍 Virtual Venue: Zoom [Insert Zoom Meeting Link]

🌐 Discussion Points:

  1. Islamic Perspective: Delve into the teachings of Islam regarding the paramount importance of showing kindness and respect to our parents. Explore the Quranic verses and Hadiths that emphasize this noble aspect of our faith.
  2. Practical Examples: Prof. Kaamil Omoteso will share real-life examples and scenarios to illustrate how we can express kindness to our parents in our daily lives.
  3. Benefits in This World and the Hereafter: Understand the immense rewards and blessings associated with being dutiful to our parents. Explore the far-reaching positive impact of this virtue on our lives and the afterlife.
  4. Q&A Session: Engage in a thoughtful discussion by asking questions related to the topic. Seek clarity on any aspects of kindness to parents and its application in different situations.

🎉 Special Reminders:

  • Bring an Open Heart: Come with an open heart and a willingness to embrace the wisdom shared during this session.
  • Invite Loved Ones: Encourage friends, family, and community members to join this enlightening discourse.

📢 How to Join:
Zoom meeting id: 81899683926 ; Zoom meeting passkey: 779697 or use the join the live broadcast on our youtube channel:

Let’s gather together virtually and enrich our souls with the profound insights of Prof. Kaamil Omoteso on the significance of kindness to parents in Islam! 🤲💙 This session promises to be an enlightening and transformative experience.

JazakAllah Khair!

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